Professional Certificate
in Management of Electoral Processes

26th - 30th October 2020, London, UK


Professional Certificate in Management of Electoral Processes



Day One: 

09:00 Registration and Refreshments

09:45 Chair’s Introduction and Welcome

10:15 What is Electoral Reform?

Electoral Systems

Electoral Law

Voting Procedures

10:45 Morning Coffee

11:00 Electoral Systems and How Are They Chosen?

The main electoral systems

Characteristics of the main electoral systems

Effects of different systems

Key considerations and who chooses?

12:30 Lunch

13:15 Initiating Reform of Electoral Processes

What are the triggers initiating reform?

Why might it be desirable?

Potential International assistance and donor arrangements

Managing outside assistance

Cost considerations 

14:30 Afternoon Tea

14:45 Planning and Implementing Electoral Systems Reform

The electoral cycle and timing of reform

Administrative considerations

16:15 Final Remarks and Round-up Discussion

16:30 Close

Day Two: 

09:30 Refreshments

09:45 Chair’s Welcome and Recap

10:00 Reform of Legal Processes

Reforming constitution, electoral law, related regulations and rules

Framework of International Standards and Good Electoral Practices

Enhancing integrity and relevance of the legal framework

How do EMBs work with these reforms?

11:15 Morning Coffee

11:30 Reforms of Administrative Processes

EMB strategies, structures, policies, procedures and technical innovations

Case studies

12:45 Lunch

13:45 Delegates Experiences of Electoral Reform

Experience sharing – Examples of previous electoral reform from participants’ own country

Discussion of Day 4 session – Planning Future Electoral Reform

14:45 Afternoon Tea

15:00 Case Study: The UK's move to Individual Electoral Registration

16:15 Final Remarks and Round-up Discussion

16:30 Close

Day Three: 

09:30 Refreshments

09:45 Chair’s Welcome and Recap

10:00 Political Reform and its Impact

Changes in the political environment affecting the EMB

How EMBs adapt to political changes

Mechanisms for cooperating with political stakeholders electoral

11:15 Morning Coffee

11:30 Women’s participation in Elections

The levels of political and electoral participation

What are the challenges, barriers and opportunities?

13:00 Lunch

13:45 Systems, voters and campaigners

Impact of different electoral systems on voters, including women and minority groups

Impact of electoral systems on political parties

15:00 Afternoon Tea

15:15 Campaigning for Electoral Reform

Cast study: The UK’s 2011 Referendum on changing the Parliamentary Voting System

Campaign finance

16:15 Final Remarks and Round up Discussion

16:30 Close

Day Four: 

09:30 Refreshments

09:45 Chair’s Welcome and Recap

10:00 Voting Technologies in the context of Electoral Reform

Understanding the difference between vision, innovation and change

Recognising universal management and business practices that limits

innovation and collaboration

11:30 Morning Coffee

11:45 Stakeholder Engagement and Education during Electoral Reform

Identifying stakeholders

Engaging with stakeholders

Explaining Electoral Reform

Communication and ConsultationTiming

Role of EMB

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Planning Future Electoral Reform

Participants present outline of potential electoral reform in their respective country, including identifying strategies and challenges

Group Discussion

15:00 Afternoon Tea

15:15 Planning Future Electoral Reform (Continued)

16:15 Final Remarks and Round up Discussion

16:30 Close

Day Five: 

09:30 Refreshments

09:45 Chair’s Welcome and Recap

10:00 Assessing the Impact of Electoral Reform on Voters

Understanding voters' views

Understanding voters' behaviour

Using understanding to improve the electoral process

11:00 Morning Coffee

11:15 Overview of Chartered Management Institute Qualification

11:45 Evaluation and Certificates of Attendance

12:15 Lunch and Close