Professional Certificate
in Strategic Policy Planning

6th - 10th September 2021, London, UK


Day 1

09:00 Registration and Refreshments
09:45 Chairman's Welcome and Delegates' Introductions
10:00 The Policy "Narrative"
What is policy? How does policy differ from strategy or procedure?
The policy process – a typical policy life cycle
Starting points, kinds of policy
Recognising and tackling the issue – first order research, evidence, analysis
11:15 Morning coffee
11:30 Stages and Stakeholders
What are the stages and what is needed at each stage?
Discussion of the relevant parties involved and their potential to influence the primary stakeholders
From Ministers to customers – who is involved when, best practice
12:15 Influencing the policy context
How various stakeholders try to influence policy – how to engage with them in the policy process.
What can go well and what can go wrong?
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Evidence
Different types of evidence, how and where to source it, how to analyse and evaluate evidence
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:15 Understanding, communication and consultation
Workshop and Case Study
16:30 Close

Day 2

09:30 Refreshments
09:45 Chairs introduction and recap
10:00 Option generation
Innovation and creativity exercise
11:00 Morning coffee
11:15 Option appraisal
Setting criteria, weighting and scoring, techniques to select the optimum, force field analysis
The ideal and the possible
Case Study
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Evaluation, review and continuous improvement
How will we know if we have been successful? What is the baseline? How will we know if the costs of delivery are greater than benefits of achievement?
14:45 Afternoon Tea
15:00 Delivery chains
How are we going to deliver the policy?
What partnerships will be required?
16:00 Close

Day 3

09:30 Refreshments
09:45 Chair's introduction and recap
10:00 Principles of Strategic thinking
Purpose, values, behaviour standards leading to strategy choice
Understanding of vision, mission, value and behaviour
Their correlation in supporting strategy
This will include an exercise specific to mission statements
11:00 Morning Coffee
11:15 The difficulties in the public sector in achieving strategy cohesiveness
Strategy conflict
Understanding who owns strategy in the Public sector
Difference between policy and strategy
Cross departmental working
Case study
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Internal communication 'winning hearts and minds' of large and varied staff
Potential impact of strategy
Employee engagement
Employee communication, what, who and how
External strategy communication
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:15 External communication
Why is this different?
Stakeholder analysis
Stakeholder management
16:15 Close

Day 4

09:30 Refreshments
09:45 Chair's introduction and recap
10:00 Building competencies
What is the current internal competency?
Identifying competencies
How we build competency
Current behaviours that conflict with strategy
How you manage change
Understanding SMART behavioural objectives
11:00 Morning Coffee
11:15 Goals based versus issues based strategic planning
11:45 Strategic planning – analysis
Introduction to, and application of, analysis tools including:
Mind mapping
Fishbone analysis
McKinsey 7 S model
13:15 Lunch
14:00 Strategic planning – idea generation
Introduction to, and application of, idea generation tools including:
Six thinking hats
Force Field Analysis
Scenario planning
15:15 Afternoon Tea
15:30 Strategic planning – idea generation (cnt'd)
16:30 Close

Day 5

09:30 Refreshments
09:45 Chair's Introduction and Recap
10:00 Making Strategic Choices
11:00 Morning coffee
11:15 Chartered Management Institute Qualification
Structuring a written piece of work for assessment – Generic Overview and Principles
Structuring these two specific pieces of work to demonstrate all the assessment criteria
Blending strategic policy content into these structures
12:30 Lunch and Close