Professional Certificate
in Strategic Change Management

26th - 30th October 2020, London, UK

Nick Hartley

Nick Hartley

Senior Advisor, Oxera

Nick specialises in public policy and regulatory issues, particularly as applied to the energy sector and to climate change policy. He has extensive experience as an economic adviser in a number of government departments and to a range of commercial clients. Having been Head of Energy Economics and Statistics at the DTI, he is currently a member of the boards of the UK Energy Research Centre, the Low Carbon Vehicles Partnership and the British Institute of Energy Economics (where he is past Chairman). In 2001-02, he led the Cabinet Office team that produced the energy policy review which led to the UK government's 2003 Energy White Paper, and in 2004-05, he was a member of Defra's task force that examined opportunities for stimulating the use of biomass in heat and power.

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