Professional Certificate
in Strategic Change Management

26th - 30th October 2020, London, UK

Susanne Moore

Susanne Moore

Founder Director, Gender Economics

Susanne is passionately interested in equality, equity, truth and justice and how these attributes can improve business performance through transforming business ideologies and shifting traditional business paradigms. An articulate, professional, entertaining and thought provoking speaker, advisor and consultant, Susanne ran out the first conference in Gender Economics in Australia in July 2014 and has been selected by the Australian Women in Resource Alliance to build their Gender Audit tool in reaching into the Mining and Extraction industries in Australia. Their task is dedicated to drive business productivity and innovation through integrating a diverse mix of skills, AWRA seeks to build women's workforce participation in the resource, allied and related construction sectors to 25% by 2020. Susanne will be guiding delegates through the Diversity Program Review Framework she developed with cultural translatability developed with Conference Chair Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford in 2013.

Susanne says: as the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce becomes increasingly diverse. Diversity and Integration is no longer a topic for Human Resources departments, nor is it more political correctness than business concern. Companies with a higher proportion of women on boards and in leadership positions exhibit a higher degree of organisation, above-average operating margins and higher valuations. However, attracting and retaining more women who meet the challenges of labour markets' change, engaging men in diversity implementation and calculating economic growth are considered major challenges preventing D&I from succeeding.

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